Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

cultural boundaries and conflict

cultural boundaries and conflict

Q Part 1 of 3: Diversity in teams can create a challenging environment leading to unacceptable performance. Identify and discuss three different challenges where multicultural diverse teams can experience difficulty achieving their goals Part 2 of 3: Reflect on your personal communication skills/leadership competencies. How do these bring value to a diverse team? Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource (in addition to the required reading) in APA format.

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Part 1 of 3: Although diversity can make a team perfect, still there can be several challenges for controlling a multicultural diverse team. In the culturally diverse team, the first challenge is that there is always a problem of understanding why the people behave in a different manner than they are expected to behave. Another great challenge is the lack of suitable training for every employees for performing in a cultural diverse team. The third challenge is that every team member within the culturally diverse team is not at the same level of efficiency. There can be misunderstandings for several reasons (Srikanth et al. 2016). However if the goals and objectives